“We are moving into a very different and profoundly preferable state of consciousness to the one we once considered normal”

So I wrote on founding Food for Consciousness some years back. The exact date I cannot remember as I was in one of those inspired states that you feel you will remember the details of forever but don’t. Still, the rationale is as clear today as it was back then.

Deep research into the human condition reveals that our perception and sense of self as humans has changed gradually and, over time, dramatically, over thousands of years. I describe how this has happened in my book Food for Consciousness. In summary, moving away from our natural habitat and lifestyle has caused the DNA to be read differently resulting in changes in the way our neural systems are constructed. We no longer automatically experience our innate sense of connection to divine intelligence and the mind of nature. We see the results in the world situation.

The great news is that we have the potential as humans to experience in life in a fantastically more exalted way than we currently take as a norm. This is not pie in the sky or some wishful thinking. There are teachable and implementable steps we can take. They aren’t actually hard when you know how and see how it works. Much of my work is about rebuilding, reactivating and refuelling the neural system to regain and strengthen this natural connection so that we feel that sense of energy and inspiration that we innately know we are designed to.  Life then starts to make more sense and at a deeper, more wholesome level.

Natural nutrition of a specific kind, including nutrient-rich raw foods and neuro-boosting herbs made into delicious feel-good concoctions, are key parts of what I teach, with excitement that comes from seeing how this adds to the bigger picture.


All the products on this site are in alignment with these discoveries. I’ll be back with more in this blog soon. Meanwhile please sign up to my newsletter if you would like regular updates!


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