The leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds can all be eaten. It releases a distinctive garlic smell and taste so can be used in place of regular garlic.  The root has a hint of wasabi while the leaves are more like mustard.

As a member of the mustard family, which includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, mustard and watercress, garlic mustard contains cancer-preventing chemicals isothiocyanates, from the mustard family. It also contains allyl sulfides, from the garlic family.

Recently, as the wild greens are a little tougher than earlier in the season, I’ve been preparing. delicious daily juice with wild greens, carrot, apple, ginger, cucumber, lemon and celery. The wild greens I find locally where I am are mostly wild garlic, garlic mustard, hawthorn leaves, pennywort, nettles, primrose leaves, yellow archangel, young bramble leaf tips, dandelion leaves and cleavers. This should keep going until the strawberry season begins and there is new wild nutrition.