A summary of some of the talking points:

The Melissa Ambrosini Show: Episode 424 with Gerard Bini
Bestselling author, keynote and TEDx speaker, #1 podcast host, Melissa Ambrosini is an inspiration for thousands of people worldwide. She has helped countless people in improving their health and wellbeing.

When our paths crossed, there were so many topics to talk about, it made for a fascinating conversation. Listen below as we talk about 5G, Spike Protein Shedding, EMF Radiation and other forms of Radiation.

Melissa Ambrosini · 424: Protecting Yourself From 5G, Spike Protein Shedding & Other Types Of Radiation | Gerard Bini

The amazing story of how Gerard got into the field of studying earth and radiation, and how he became an intuitive building biologist (03:48)
How to find out the radiation levels in YOUR home (and what Gerard discovered about our house during his assessment!) (08:12)
Do you have any of these common health symptoms? They’re all indicators that there’s unbalanced energy in your environment (18:09)
What most people don’t realise about toxic mould, and the deadly impact it can have on your respiratory and endocrine systems (24:17)
A simple, highly effective tool you can use in your own home to balance out the noxious energy fields created by 5G and wifi (29:56)
The real dangers of 5G, and why making our internet faster might also be accelerating illness and aging (39:39)
How toxic biofields can affect your spiritual, emotional, and physical health (and the exact steps to follow to counteract them) (50:10)