Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer


The ONLY Mobile Phone Radiation harmonising tool that offers total energy protection. It is unique in this function because it harmonises all sources of EMF including Earth Radiation – Geopathic stress and Human Generated – Bioplasmic Radiation

Neutralizes noxious EMR emitted from your mobile phone, laptop and all portable devices.

The Mobile Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer is designed to neutralize the potentially harmful positive charged Electromagnetic Fields from all types of mobile phones, cordless phones, laptops and tablets, iPads, portable Wi-Fi Hotspots and Wi-Fi modems.


The Orgone Effects Australia product range neutralises and harmonises harmful energy from the following

All harmful Positive Ions
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and the Electromagnetic field (EMF) from power
or electricity lines
Increases the Oxygen in the air in your home, office, school and workplace
Mould, fungus, mildew and rising damp
Radiation from laptops, notebooks, desktop computers and electronic devices
Underground Water Veins, Sewer lines, underground Black Water, Grey Water and plumbing pipes
Harmful dirty electricity; from the Electricity Grid and Solar Electricity Systems
Emotional Distress Imprints from previous occupants of buildings and vehicles
Neutralises EMF conductivity from metal frames, beds and mattresses
Highly noxious Smart Meters and Baby Monitors
Radiation from all Mobile Phones, Cordless Phones, iPhones, BlackBerries and iPads
Highly harmful radiation from your Digital Television or from your neighbour
Neutralises harmful frequencies from Mobile Phone and Cell Phone Towers
Death Imprints, Ectoplasm Imprints, Spirit Lines and Entity Attachments
Fault Lines, Benker Grid Lines, Hartmann Lines, 400 Meter Grid Crossings and
Geopathic Stress
Microwave beams and Personal Beam imprints
Imprinting Counter-Conscious & Negative Thought Form Fields
HAARP, Contrails and Chemtrails
Illness/Sickness Imprinting on any property
Wireless (WiFi) Internet modem emissions and Bluetooth
Lilly Wave Frequencies used through TV for Mind Control and Tetra technology
Artificial heat and cooling from unnatural heating and reverse cycle air-conditioning
Fluorescent Lighting
Overhead Power Lines, Electricity Transformers and Substations


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