Geoclense Home and Workplace EMF Harmonizer with FREE UK Shipping



Neutralises all noxious EMR fields unique to buildings, restoring  electromagnetic functioning on the Human BioField.
The Geoclense releases healthy, negative charged resonance, programmed to harmonise and rebalance the noxious, unhealthy positive charged EMFs created by all forms of EMR, RF, WiFi, Earth Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation. The resonant stress on human organs created by noxious EMF fields are instantly removed with a Geoclense operating in a building.
Only one Geoclense is needed to Harmonise your entire building and up to 9m beyond.
The GEOCLENSE is unique because it is THE ONLY HARMONISER IN THE WORLD that has been programmed to deal with ALL of the following sources of Electromagnetic fields:
• All harmful Positive Ions
• Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and the Electromagnetic field (EMF) from power
• or electricity lines
• Increases the Oxygen in the air in your home, office, school and workplace
• Mould, fungus, mildew and rising damp
• Radiation from laptops, notebooks, desktop computers and electronic devices
• Underground Water Veins, Sewer lines, underground Black Water, Grey Water and plumbing pipes
• Harmful dirty electricity; from the Electricity Grid and Solar Electricity Systems
• Emotional Distress Imprints from previous occupants of buildings and vehicles
• Neutralises EMF conductivity from metal frames, beds and mattresses
• Highly noxious Smart Meters and Baby Monitors
• Radiation from all Mobile Phones, Cordless Phones, iPhones, BlackBerries and iPads
• Highly harmful radiation from your Digital Television or from your neighbour
• Neutralises harmful frequencies from Mobile Phone and Cell Phone Towers
• Death Imprints, Ectoplasm Imprints, Spirit Lines and Entity Attachments
• Fault Lines, Benker Grid Lines, Hartmann Lines, 400 Meter Grid Crossings and
• Geopathic Stress
• Microwave beams and Personal Beam imprints
• Imprinting Counter-Conscious & Negative Thought Form Fields
• HAARP, Contrails and Chemtrails
• Illness/Sickness Imprinting on any property
• Wireless (WiFi) Internet modem emissions and Bluetooth
• Lilly Wave Frequencies used through TV for Mind Control and Tetra technology
• Artificial heat and cooling from unnatural heating and reverse cycle air-conditioning
• Fluorescent Lighting
• Overhead Power Lines, Electricity Transformers and Substations

What some of our customers say:

“For many years I have been highly sensitive to electromagnetic stress and I can feel my energy dropping after just a short time using my mobile, laptop, tablet or in a wi-fi area.  I use a range of crystals and earthing products that help to combat this but recently started working from home and had been feeling particularly tired and irritable when I spent all day in the house.  So I did some research and found the Geoclense.  It arrived swiftly about 4 weeks ago and from the moment I plugged it in, the energy in the house has felt noticeably clearer, and I have been calmer and more balanced.  Four weeks on the irritability has gone, I feel more energetic and am finding it easier to focus with a clear head.  I would definitely recommend this product.”


“So for those interested in my feedback.  My Geocleanse arrived yesterday, I plugged it in and was very surprised to immediately feel a difference. The best way I can describe it is, that the frenetic pace of WiFi and mobile phone frequency usually creates an immediate tension in my head, but after turning on the Geocleanse, this frenetic movement dissolved in a blanket of softness and space. It was weird because, throughout the day, I would forget it was on, and as I approached my computer, I noticed my head kinda tensing up, an involuntary response, to what was expected to be felt, but then there was great surprise, that there was only softness coming back at me, followed by relaxation. It’s early days, but thus far, VERY happy with this purchase…. such a relief, I actually feel I could live anywhere now, not just in detached country-side properties…..”

Susan, Leicestershire

I am very sensitive. I moved into a new property in December 2017. I started to feel some energetic discomfort not long after and by March 2018 I was suffering with chronic insomnia. When I went to bed, my whole body felt like it was conducting a powerful electrical charge. My heart rate quickened dramatically and I had burning sensations on the surface of my skin. I was also experiencing dark moods and mood swings, which is extremely unusual for me. I burned huge amounts of palo santo, which brought a small amount of relief. But by the end of May, I was at the end of my tether. I was extremely tired and was having suicidal thoughts. After another sleepless night, I went online. I can’t remember what I searched for but the Geoclense appeared. I ordered one soon after. It arrived the following day, and, immediately after plugging it in I felt the energy in my flat changing profoundly. I’ve had the Geoclense for four nights now and there has been a dramatic improvement. I have had some decent quality sleep for the first time in a long time. My flat is starting to feel like it is somewhere I want to be, rather than somewhere I want to escape from. Things are by no means perfect, but there has been a massive change. I have noticed other reviews claiming this product is a con. I am guessing they are written by people who aren’t sensitive to energy, in which case, I can completely understand their scepticism. My feeling is that even if someone isn’t sensitive, they would still get exactly the same benefits from this product that I have. 

Paul, London.

“I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but my family came over and I don’t feel as anxious as usual”

Sam, Natural Health Practioner, Bromsgrove, 2019

“My husband gave me a Geoclense for Christmas in 2016.  I plugged it in and forgot about it.  Some days later, both my husband and I commented on how much better we felt and slept and we also noticed our young, autistic child’s behavior settle dramatically and wondered why.  It suddenly dawned on me that it must have been the Geoclense.  It truly has changed our lives.”

Kinesiologist, Brisbane. February, 2017:

Thanks, Holly, such a relief, I actually feel I could live anywhere now, not just in detached country-side properties…..great work Sister x


Neutralises all noxious EMR fields unique to buildings, restoring  electromagnetic functioning on the Human BioField.
The Geoclense releases healthy, negative charged resonance, programmed to harmonise and rebalance the noxious, unhealthy positive charged EMFs created by all forms of EMR, RF, WiFi, Earth Radiation and Bioplasmic Radiation. The resonant stress on human organs created by noxious EMF fields are instantly removed with a Geoclense operating in a building.
Only one Geoclense is needed to Harmonise your entire building and up to 9m beyond.
The GEOCLENSE is unique because it is THE ONLY HARMONISER IN THE WORLD that has been programmed to deal with ALL of the following sources of Electromagnetic fields:
• All harmful Positive Ions
• Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and the Electromagnetic field (EMF) from power
• or electricity lines
• Increases the Oxygen in the air in your home, office, school and workplace
• Mould, fungus, mildew and rising damp
• Radiation from laptops, notebooks, desktop computers and electronic devices
• Underground Water Veins, Sewer lines, underground Black Water, Grey Water and plumbing pipes
• Harmful dirty electricity; from the Electricity Grid and Solar Electricity Systems
• Emotional Distress Imprints from previous occupants of buildings and vehicles
• Neutralises EMF conductivity from metal frames, beds and mattresses
• Highly noxious Smart Meters and Baby Monitors
• Radiation from all Mobile Phones, Cordless Phones, iPhones, BlackBerries and iPads
• Highly harmful radiation from your Digital Television or from your neighbour
• Neutralises harmful frequencies from Mobile Phone and Cell Phone Towers
• Death Imprints, Ectoplasm Imprints, Spirit Lines and Entity Attachments
• Fault Lines, Benker Grid Lines, Hartmann Lines, 400 Meter Grid Crossings and
• Geopathic Stress
• Microwave beams and Personal Beam imprints
• Imprinting Counter-Conscious & Negative Thought Form Fields
• HAARP, Contrails and Chemtrails
• Illness/Sickness Imprinting on any property
• Wireless (WiFi) Internet modem emissions and Bluetooth
• Lilly Wave Frequencies used through TV for Mind Control and Tetra technology
• Artificial heat and cooling from unnatural heating and reverse cycle air-conditioning
• Fluorescent Lighting
• Overhead Power Lines, Electricity Transformers and Substations
Test have shown that with a Geoclense in operation any stresses put on the body (organs, glands, hormones and nervous system) by the EMF and other sources of noxious energy are relieved and the well-being of the occupants restored, creating a healthier and happier home and work environment.
How to operate the Geoclense?
Simply plug it into any power point and turn on the switch. The Geoclense does not consume any power.  You only need one Geoclense per property.  Its design is compact in size making it portable for travelling or taking to work. This product will last a lifetime although it is recommended to replace every 3+ years due to it constantly being updated to include new found noxious energies.
FAQ- Link
How does the Geoclense differ from other products on the market?
Orgone Effects Australia (OEA) are the leading consultancy specialists of intuitive energy readings developed for Building Biology or ‘Sick Spaces’. They have had years of hands on experience and research examining all the EMF toxicity factors that are capable of creating stress on the human body and energy field.
Through this unique view OEA have developed a range to restore harmony, creating a spacious, natural feeling that is Electromagnetically Safe within the home or workplace.
This is why the Geoclense offers outstanding performance and is unlike any other product on the market today. It is through this holistic understanding that that OEA have designed and manufacture their unique range of products.
Gerard Bini, the creator of the OEA products writes that “During our ‘on-site’ Consultancy work, we experience many people who immediately sense and feel the balanced energy created by the GEOCLENSE when plugged in.  They notice that their usual uncomfortable feelings and sensations around EMR fields are no longer present with the GEOCLENSE operating.

What types of Electromagnetic Radiation are present in our home and workplace environments?
On a daily basis, we are bombarded in our homes and workplaces by harmful, noxious energy emissions from various types of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR or EMF), Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress), Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) and negative Solar & Planetary Retrograde influences.
Examples of Electromagnetic Radiation:
• Artificial Heating and Cooling
• Baby Monitors
• Bluetooth Devices
• Cordless and Mobile Phones
• Digital TVs
• Electrical Appliances
• Fluorescent lighting
• High Voltage Power Lines
• Laptops and Tablets
• Microwave Ovens
• Mobile Phone Towers
• Noxious Resonance from Mold and Fungus
• Smart Meters
• Wi/Fi Routers and Modems
Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress):
• Drinking water, sewer, storm and gray water pipes
• Hartman, Curry, Benker & 400-meter Earth Magnetic Grid Lines
• Radioactive Geological Matter (For example Coal, Granite and Uranium)
• Seismic Fault Lines
Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) or imprinting:
• Death imprints/ ”Paranormal” Activity
• emotional stress
• Illnesses and diseased organs
• Negative thought forms imprints
• Previous occupants’ emotional distress
Solar & Planetary Radiation imprinting:
• Beta Gamma Radiation from Cygnus X3 for people in the Northern Hemisphere
• Beta Gamma from X, C & M-class Solar Flares/Solar Winds
• Planetary Retrograde influences
What are the symptoms of EMF exposure?
• Discomfort or nausea in certain areas of a building
• Electro-Hypersensitive
• Headaches and Fatigue
• Issues concentrating and Foggy brain
• Lethargy or lack of drive to perform the simplest of tasks at home or work
• Negative emotional energies of depression, anxiety and anger
• Sensing unusual spirit activity/interference at night time
• Trouble sleeping bad dreams and night terrors (often in children)
As Electromagnetic beings, we resonate at the same EMF frequency as nature. Any electromagnetics that vibrate at a frequency outside of this can create a direct resonate stress on the body which directly affects our organs, glands, hormones and emotional states. This has also been found to encourage the production of bacteria both within and externally from the body.
The Geoclense Home Harmoniser uses the same harmonic frequencies of nature, this neutralises and cancels out any disturbance from EMF that fall outside of this harmonious frequency. It has been programmed to deal with all the different frequencies mentioned above. Unlike some other products on the market today, the Geoclense does not ever run out or stop producing this Harmonising resonance. The product will last a lifetime.


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