Here are my two favourite smoothie recipes for the beginning of the day.
You can get my complete earthly paradise wake up routine including these recipes in a beautiful docoment by subscribing here.
The first is a raw fruit smoothie but one that doesn’t raise blood sugars excessively and what is more is alkalising to the body.
The second is a herbal elixir which also contains raw goodness as well as heated herbs. It is designed to lift your neurochemistry whilst getting you into a mainly fat burning rather than sugar burning mode, ideal for weight control, sustainable energy and brain function.
Both recipes are vegan, alkaline and ketogenic diet-friendly. Of course, you can vary the ingredients according to your own preferences.
Note the images here are for decorative purposes. The ingredients you use will largely be preprepared!
Cherry Coconut Smoothie

sour cherries
120g frozen sour cherries
100g frozen strawberries
30g frozen blueberries
1 banana
1 tsp noni powder
350ml raw coconut water (Tiana supply a good one)

noni fruit, juice and powder
Simply blend all the ingredients together until smooth and creamy.
Serves 2 to 3 people
Sour cherries are a wonderful fruit. They taste delicious and are also low-glycemic and alkalising so you can get the fruit in without overdosing on sugars. Noni gives an amazing mind lift. It helps tryptophan to be absorbed to boost serotonin levels. Raw coconut water so much more energising and refreshing than the pasteurised version. You can feel the difference over a period of time.
Creamy Herbal Elixir

passion flower tea
Tea herbs:
1 Tablespoon passionflower tea
I Tablespoon tulsi tea
½ tsp rhodiola powder
Smoothie ingredients:

cacao beans
2 Tablespoons raw organic coconut butter
3 Tablespoons yacon syrup
1 Tablespoon ground cacao paste or cacao powder
1 Tablespoon maca
1/2 Tablespoon lecithin (GMO free)
½ lentil size piece of shilajit
pinch chilli powder
pinch sea or Himalayan salt

tulsi aka holy basil
1g cardamom (tiny sprinkle)
1g cinnamon (tiny sprinkle)
Tonic Herbs:
All or some of these tonic herbs plus any of your choosing:
2g he shou wu (a small sprinkle)

2g lions mane (a small sprinkle)
1g brahmi (a tiny sprinkle)
5g/1 teaspoon ashwaghanda
½ dropper ginseng tincture (e.g. Jing Herbs shen nong)
Make the tea with the tea herbs in a cafetiere.
Put the remaining ingredients in a blender jug and add a little cool pure water (spring or distilled). Add a cup of tea and blend it all together.
Add the rest of the tea.
Serves 2 to 3 people
This is a tasty and convenient way to consume a selection of tonic herbs, either those suggested here or ones of your choosing. Coconut butter is a precursor for essential hormones and provides clean energy. Maca helps keep hormones in their pristine state. Shilajit supplies a broad range of trace minerals. Lion’s mane is a brain builder. Passionflower tea contains Maoi’s which boost neurotransmitter levels and can noticeably uplift mood. Rhodiola is an adaptogen which boosts mental energy and serotonin levels. Lecithin is another magic ingredient which supplies essential phospholipids for the brain whilst also acting as an emulsifier, making the smoothie nice and creamy.
All in all, this is an ideal alternative to a morning coffee! Enjoy 🙂